Sharon Jepkinyor and Lucy Tiony, who arrived in Finland from Kenya in January 2023, work at Wellbeing services county of South Karelia,Tuulenpesä service housing unit in Rautjärvi.
Sharon and Lucy, who arrived from Kenya, feel that Simpele is a small town, but the women have enjoyed their work.
– Sometimes, of course, you wish you had friends of your own age and something to do together, says Lucy, adding that everyday life is very similar.
– The normal activities just repeat.
– We come home from work and watch Yle on tv and films with Finnish subtitles and spoken word. We are learning the language, continues Sharon – in Finnish.
We are actually doing this interview alternately in English and in Finnish and looking for words together. Sharon and Lucy have already learned Finnish well in a relatively short time.
– Our job is making their life easier, Lucy thinks.
– The elderly are a bliss to work with. They speak slowly enough, laughs Sharon good-humouredly.
Lucy Tiony and Sharon Jepkinyor

Seeing the impact of your own work makes you happy
Sharon and Lucy are both university level nursing graduates in Kenya. In Finland, they needed to go back to school. They completed their studies as apprentices at Sampo and graduated in November 2023. Future dreams also include studying as a nurse at LAB University of Applied Sciences in Lappeenranta.
The tasks at Tuulenpesä include assisting with daily activities, giving medicines, going outdoors and playing memory games, for example.
– Our job is making their life easier, Lucy thinks.
The best thing about their job, the carers describe, is the clients.
– Attending to clients and seeing that you make them happy, Lucy continues.
The most challenging aspect of the job is the language skills. But the tenacious Sharon and Lucy work hard every day to improve their skills.
– The elderly are a bliss to work with. They speak slowly enough, laughs Sharon good-humouredly.
– For example, we read a magazine together and learn the language. Old people like to repeat words and encourage us to learn the language. We help them and they help us with the language, the women say enthusiastically.
You must be prepared to learn the language when you come to Finland
In Kenya, the demographics are the opposite of Finland, and many nurses are forced to work in other fields because there are not enough jobs for everyone. What would Sharon and Lucy say if someone else wants to move to Finland for work?
– They can come, but they have to be prepared to learn Finnish here, says Lucy. Sharon adds that the importance of language skills cannot be over-emphasised. The work is done with people.
Friends are still missing in Simpele
Lucy and Sharon pointed out at several points that life in Simpele is very different. Hobbies are limited and there is a great need for friends.
New Friends?
Sharon and Lucy could do with more people their own age.
Swahili and English are spoken in Kenya. If you are interested in meeting these lovely ladies, who are full of joy, you can contact their boss Päivi Marttila and leave your contact details and a short introduction about yourself. Päivi will forward your contact details to Lucy and Sharon.
More Information:
Hanna Rönkkönen, palvelupäällikkö, puh. 040 127 4105, [email protected]
Päivi Marttila, toimintayksikön esihenkilö, puh. 040 539 0159, [email protected]