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Dental care

Oral and dental care in South Karelia

When you contact a dental clinic, an oral health care professional will assess your need for care and the level of urgency. Based on this assessment, you will receive advice or an appointment with a dental nurse, dental hygienist, or dentist.

You will receive an SMS reminder (in Finnish) of your appointment, two days in advance.Dental clinics are open Mon–Thu 8–15 and Fri 8–14. Telephone:  05 352 7059 See the bottom of this page for contact details

Cancelling an appointment

If you cannot attend your appointment, please cancel it as soon as possible – however, no later than the day preceding the appointment. Appointments can be cancelled by phone or by using the SMS service. A fee is charged for unused appointments that have not been cancelled.

Dental clinics in South Karelia​

  • Armila Dental Clinic
    Armilankatu 44, FI-53100 Lappeenranta
  • Imatra Dental Clinic
    Heikinkatu 1, 2nd floor, FI-55100 Imatra
  • Joutseno Dental Clinic
    ​Välskärintie 2, FI-54100 Joutseno
  • Lappeenranta Central Dental Clinic
    Pohjolankatu 14, FI-53100 Lappeenranta
  • Lemi Dental Clinic
    Toukkalantie 3, FI-54710 Lemi
  • Luumäki Dental Clinic
    Marttilantie 2, FI-54500 Taavetti
  • Parikkala Dental Clinic
    Lehmuskuja 3, FI-59100 Parikkala
  • Rautjärvi Dental Clinic
    Viipurinkatu 6, FI-56800 Simpele
  • Ruokolahti Dental Clinic
    Nällisuontie 7, FI-56100 56100 Ruokolahti
  • Sammonlahti Dental Clinic
    Torpanpellonkatu 2, FI-53850 Lappeenranta
  • Savitaipale Dental Clinic
    Maitolantie 7, FI-54800 Savitaipale
  • Taipalsaari Dental Clinic
    Muukkolantie 4, FI-54920 Taipalsaari​
Customer service