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Other services

Social services

Family and social services provide support at different life stages, from the care of young children to services for the elderly. Help is available if families or couples have problems or if parents have concerns about their children or adolescents.

Lasten ja nuorten talo (House of children and youth) in Lappeenranta (Kasarmikatu 7, 9 and 11) and in Imatra (Tainionkoskentie 14) can help if you need support with parenting or a new-born baby, or if you need guidance and advice on parenting after a divorce.

You can contact social services if you are over 18 years of age and need social services and related support services in your current life situation.

Our professional staff helps to promote and maintain the functional capacity as well as social wellbeing and safety of individuals.

Social welfare includes social services for individuals, families, and communities.
The need for services is evaluated by completing a service needs assessment.

The following services are offered, on needs-basis:

  • ​Social and financial support in personal life crises
  • Mental health and substance abuse services
  • Instructing in matters related to social security and social benefits
  • Support, instructing, and motivation in unemployment or substance abuse situations
  • Instructing on matters related to employment services
  • Housing services
  • Questions about immigration

Disability Services

Disabled person is a person who, due to a disability/handicap or illness, has prolonged particular difficulties in managing ordinary functions of life. The limitations that the disability/handicap or illness cause are of such quality that they are not short-lived and their duration is on-going in nature. Services are based on an individual service plan.

Telephone: 05 352 2370.

Elderly care services

Services for the elderly in South Karelia enable senior citizens to live at home safely for as long as possible. The importance of home care and other services provided at home increases as the person’s strength diminishes. Arranging and developing appropriate services for the elderly is important for guaranteeing the welfare of senior citizens in the best possible manner.

IsoApu service centres offer help and consultancy services to the elderly and their families.

Service managers and social workers assess the need for services, after which they help and direct the person to the services they need and benefit from.

IsoApu in Imatra and Lappeenranta, telephone: 05 352 2370.

Mental health services

Mental health services and services for substance abusers provide examinations, care, and rehabilitation for substance abusers who need specialised medical care and social work services in South Karelia. Mental health services support people who face various types of mental health problems. The purpose of the services for substance abusers is to prevent and treat disadvantages caused by substance abuse.

24/7 helpline for mental health services and services for substance abusers:
Telephone: 05 352 4610

Adult social work

Adult social work is work conducted with people who are over 18 years of age and aims to help them in situations where social services and/or social work services needed. The starting point for our work is that the overall situation of the client is always taken into account.

​Adult social work, advising and service guidance without appointment Mon-Fri 08:00-16:00

Adult centre, Lappeenranta
Valtakatu 51 (3rd floor), FI-53100 Lappeenranta
Mon–Fri 13:00–16:00

Adult centre, Imatra
Tainionkoskentie 1 (2nd floor), FI-55100 Imatra
Mon, Wed, Thu: 13:00–15:00

Adult social work service telephone: ​05 352 2370 (Mon–Fri 09:00–13:00)

Customer service